Source code for contracts.assertion

# Copyright 2017 Benoit Bernard All Rights Reserved.

Module containing code assertions.

It complements the assertions already available in the :class:`~unittest.TestCase` class.

[docs]def does_not_raise(exception_cls, callable_obj, *args, **kwargs): """ Asserts that the specified callable object does not raise an exception of the specified class when called. :param exception_cls: the class of the exception. :param callable_obj: the callable object (function or method). :param args: the positional arguments to pass to the callable. :param kwargs: the keyword arguments to pass to the callable. :raises: :class:`AssertionError` if the callable raises an exception of the specified class. """ try: callable_obj(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: # isinstance() checks for any class in the inheritance chain of the specified class. if isinstance(e, exception_cls): raise AssertionError("{0} raised by {1}().".format(exception_cls.__name__, callable_obj.__name__))
[docs]def raises(exception_cls, callable_obj, *args, **kwargs): """ Asserts that the specified callable object raises an exception of the specified class when called. Can be used instead of :meth:`~unittest.TestCase.assertRaises` for consistency across unit tests, especially when :func:`~contracts.assertion.does_not_raise` is also used. :param exception_cls: the class of the exception. :param callable_obj: the callable object (function or method). :param args: the positional arguments to pass to the callable. :param kwargs: the keyword arguments to pass to the callable. :raises: :class:`AssertionError` if the callable does not raise an exception of the specified class. """ raises_with_msg(exception_cls, callable_obj, None, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def raises_with_msg(exception_cls, callable_obj, expected_exception_msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Asserts that the specified callable object raises an exception of the specified type with the specified message when called. :param exception_cls: the class of the exception. :param callable_obj: the callable object (function or method). :param expected_exception_msg: the expected substring in the exception's message. :param args: the positional arguments to pass to the callable. :param kwargs: the keyword arguments to pass to the callable. :raises: :class:`AssertionError` if the callable does not raise an exception of the specified class. """ has_raised_expected_error = False try: callable_obj(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: # isinstance checks for any class in the inheritance chain of the specified class. if isinstance(e, exception_cls): # If a specific error message is expected, we compare it to the error message contained in the exception. # Otherwise, just having caught the expected exception type is enough. has_raised_expected_error = expected_exception_msg in str(e) if expected_exception_msg else True if not has_raised_expected_error: # Include the expected error message if applicable. exception_description = exception_cls.__name__ if not expected_exception_msg else "{0} with message '{1}'".format( exception_cls.__name__, expected_exception_msg) raise AssertionError("{0} was not raised by {1}().".format(exception_description, callable_obj.__name__))
[docs]def not_called_with(mock_obj, *args, **kwargs): """ Asserts that the specified mock object was never called with a specific sequence of arguments. Acts as a complementary function, because there is no :meth:`assert_not_called_with` method available in the :class:`~unittest.mock.Mock` class. :param mock_obj: :class:`~unittest.mock.Mock` object. :param args: the positional arguments to pass to the callable. :param kwargs: the keyword arguments to pass to the callable. :raises: :class:`AssertionError` if the callable does not raise an exception of the specified class. """ try: mock_obj.assert_any_call(*args, **kwargs) except AssertionError: # The method was not called with the specified arguments, so everything is good. return # The method was called with the specified arguments, so raise an error. arguments_as_strings = [] if len(args) > 0: arguments_as_strings.append(", ".join([str(arg) for arg in args])) if len(kwargs) > 0: arguments_as_strings.append(", ".join(["{0}={1}".format(key, value) for key, value in kwargs.items()])) raise AssertionError("Function was unexpectedly called with ({0}).".format(", ".join(arguments_as_strings)))
[docs]def contains_one_element_of_class(obj_cls, iterable_obj): """ Asserts that the specified iterable object contains one and only one element of the specified class. :param obj_cls: the class of the object that is expected to be found in the iterable. :param iterable_obj: :class:`` object. :raises: :class:`AssertionError` if the callable does not raise an exception of the specified class. """ if len(iterable_obj) != 1 or type(iterable_obj[0]) is not obj_cls: raise AssertionError( "Iterable should contain one and only one object of class '{0}'.".format(obj_cls.__name__))